Dragon War : D-War is all set to hit the screens in tamil nadu dubbed as Rudra Nagam. The Japanese monster movie is expected to be a fast paced action packed thriller – a treat for the action lover.
The story is highly imaginative and the audience is expected to absorb the incredibility of the tale with some sense of humour. Very long ago in Korea, there were giant serpents called Imoogi. But there was a bad one, Baruki in their midst who gathered some troops. A girl named Narin had an odd glowing bubble which turns the Imoogi into dragons. The girl and her lover Harem sacrifice themselves for the bubble. But they are re born in Los Angeles and Baruki is back. The sequence of events that follow provide edge of the seat action.
The movie is expected to feature some enticing cinematography with large monsters ala Godzilla and Anaconda. The henchmen of Buraki seem to resemble Sauron’s henchmen in the ‘Lord of the Rings’. But the similarities end there.
Overall the movie is a treat for people who have missed Japanese movies for long. Action buffs, fasten your seat belts. This is going to be one bumpy ride.